Respond to “Is There Evidence For God?”

Posted on March 31, 2011 by


Here is a link to the video of the debate that just occurred between William Lane Craig and Lawrence Krauss: “Is There Evidence For God?”

Here is an audio link.  And here is a Youtube playlist.  [Edit: the Youtube videos have been added to this blog ( in case they are taken off of Youtube.]

It was live-blogged at this blogsite:  You can read a play-by-play with some commentary there.

I didn’t get to watch much of it due to a poor internet connection, but will be re-watching it soon.  We had a fun time driving to the nearest spot with free Wi-Fi and watched bits and pieces as people painted pots, graded homework, drank coffee, and sang songs with guitars and drums in the background.  For those of you who got to see enough of it to comment, please feel free to do so.  I will publish a commentary and an outline after reviewing it myself.

Posted in: Debates